Rail industry area

The railway touches almost every community in Britain. Railway lines and depots are on our doorstep, yet so often the public are unaware of them, and if they’re not secure, it can lead to tragic events.

Though the industry has made great strides in improving how it manages risk around the railway , the near constant figure of 19,000  trespass incidents on the rail network year, and consequent impact on rail customers and passengers,  means that we can never be complacent in our efforts.

Everyone working on the railway has a part to play in risk management. It’s not the sole responsibility of those who work on the ground inspecting perimeters or manage security and crime but also anyone that comes close to a live rail setting. From those that make budgetary decisions that affect live rail sites to anyone visiting a rail setting. It’s knowing that our action or inaction can have an effect and that what might seem like a small or simple decision can have a huge impact on the lives of others.

Risks and the Railways

On 27 June 2017 11-year-old Harrison Ballantyne lost his life after straying into a rail freight yard. His case and the subsequent investigation it prompted provide sobering lessons for us all.

In this film Harrison’s parents (Drew and Liz Ballantyne), rail industry professionals and a child psychologist discuss the lessons that they believe everyone working to reduce trespass on the railway should learn. The industry briefing document below provides some guidance on points you may want to discuss within your organisation after viewing.

Film contributors

Simon Martin
Head of Public and Passenger Safety
North West & Central region
Network Rail
Walter Cartwright
Area Operations Manager
Dr Renate Reniers
BSc MSc PhD Research Psychologist
Lecturer in Psychiatry
University of Birmingham
Katie Downs
Designing Out Crime Manager
British Transport Police
Liz Ballantyne
Harrison Ballantyne’s mother
Drew Ballantyne
Harrison Ballantyne’s father

Useful links

For further guidance on managing trespass, visit the RSSB website.

You can find and contact your regional British Transport Police Designing Out Crime Manger by visiting the Secured by Design website.